johnbcarpenter // artworks // design // info

Young Projects / Los Angeles, CA (2014)

trailers_anemone, 2013
digital projection dimensions variable

trailers_anemone is an interactive installation that explores trails of light as they move through time, space and memory.

ACME. gallery / Los Angeles, CA (2013)

"...When a viewer standing in front of the screen takes a step or waves an arm, the swirling galaxy bursts into motion. The dots dive like comets, fanning out then regrouping, in response to the type and degree of human activity. Part celestial echo, part whimsical dance partner, the interactive projection is gently and thoroughly mesmerizing."
-- LA Times Review: YoungProjects' 'Presentism' induces a state of wonder in light by Leah Ollman

Young Projects / Los Angeles, CA (2014)
ACME. gallery / Los Angeles, CA (2013)